a fine, rigid leather helmet

This excellent helmet is moulded from eight pieces of thick, hardened leather that have been expertly stitched together and reinforced with additional layers. The inside is comfortably lined with soft lynx fur. Layers of leather hang down the back, providing additonal protection for the neck and ears.

It is a fine, rigid leather helmet (well-maintained, old).
It can absorb a huge amount of damage and provides average protection.
It looks quite difficult to mend.
It fits you well.
It weighs three pounds.

You identify a fine, rigid leather helmet.
It is a piece of rigid leather armour.
It absorbs 80% of damage points, up to 6.
It weighs two pounds and fourteen ounces, and it is worth about four celeb.
Its keywords are helmet, leather, rigid, and fine.

Last updated 3 months ago.